Effects of atrial natriuretic polypeptide on arterial pressure and renal sympathetic nerve activity in anesthetized rats 心房钠尿多肽对麻醉大鼠血压和肾神经传出放电的影响
The mean arterial pressure decreased by 27 ( 7 . 6 ) mm hg in the bolus group compared with 8 ( 8 . 7 ) mm hg in the infusion group 在整个过程中每5秒记录这些妇女的心率和有创动脉血压。
Arterial pressure and mean arterial pressure ( map ) were measured by cannulation of femoral artery and electrocardiogram was recorded by medlab system 本实验用medlab生物信号采集处理系统记录动脉血压、平均动脉压曲线,无创记录心电图、心率曲线。
Mean arterial pressure ( map ) , pulse pressure , heart rate ( hr ) , respiratory pressure and frequency of respiration at different moment were recorded for analysis 记录不同时点的平均动脉压( map ) 、脉压、心率、呼吸压、呼吸频率,综合分析,研究耳针的调整效应及作用机制。
If the direct pressure method cannot control bleeding , apply pressure over the arterial pressure points to facilitate blood coagulation . press for 5 to 10 minutes and never exceed 15 minutes 如直接压法仍未能止血,则可用动脉压点,施压协助止血,施压时间为五至十分钟,切勿超过十五分钟。
After adjustment for age , height , mean arterial pressure , and heart rate , aortic augmentation index correlated independently with the presence of migraine , the researchers note , but aortic pulse wave velocity did not 研究人员指出,在年龄、身高、平均动脉压、心率调整以后,主动脉增加指数只和偏头痛病人相关,但是脉冲速度没有增加。
The disorders of vascular regulations is characteristic of endotoxin shock with the manifestations of marked reduction in systemic mean arterial pressure whereas pulmonary arterial hypertension , as well as abnormal changes of vascular reactivities of systemic and pulmonary arteries at its initial stage 血管调节机制紊乱是内毒素休克特征性病理改变之一,主要表现为内毒素休克发生早期主动脉压下降、肺动脉压升高以及离体肺动脉及主动脉血管反应异常变化。